Today's topic is: Setting Goals!
Write in 50 words or less…what do you like best about your blog right now and where would you like your blog to be a year from now?
(HA! 5o words or less...I have trouble with brevity)
Hmmm....Wonder what Allison will say compared to me? ;-) I have to say, the blog has grown immensely in the last year and I'm very happy with where we are at. I made a concerted effort to seek out review copies of upcoming books. I wanted to start reviewing more up and coming books, and not just books that have been out for awhile or already endlessly reviewed.
I also thought it would be fun to have our subscriber list grow, which it has by leaps and bounds! I think we started the year off with about 20 regular readers and now we have over a 150 subscriber/followers.
I really like our semi-weekly features of Mystery Monday, Picture Book Thursday and YA Weekend (hopefully, we can get those back on track soon--especially Picture Book Thursday).
There's not much more I can ask of our little book blog. As for setting future goals, I just hope to continue the level of activity I've had this year, keeping reviewing the books I read, and keep having fun with book blogging as a hobby. That's all I can ask for really.
This has been a fun week! Great to visit some new book blogs and giveaway some books that have been hanging around for awhile. Thanks to My Friend Amy for organizing a fantastic blog event!!
By the way, there's a really great guest post on the BBAW site this morning from an author discussing the importance of book bloggers to the publishing world!
Good luck with your goals. I am looking forward to returning; especially for your YA and picture book posts!
I'm going to be lazy and add a "ME TOO!" to your post :) We're definitely on the same page. The only thing I would add is getting people to actually comment...the statistics tell us they're reading, but they never pop in to say hi.
Hee Hee...Allison, I was thinking about the commenting thing, but I felt like I had droned on enough about that for this week. ;-)
I am a new reader to your blog. I look forward to seeing your posts, especially Mystery Monday and the YA Weekend! :)
BBAW was a fantastic way for me to find great new blogs like yours!
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