This giveaway is for brand-new trade paperback copies of The Chocolate Lovers' Club by Carole Matthews and Mating Rituals of the North American WASP by Lauren Lipton. Two books, one winner.
I'm using Holly's excellent rules to promote consistency:
To enter:
+1 just by leaving a comment on this post
+2 if you subscribe to our blog through a feed
+3 if you already subscribe to our blog
+4 if you blog about this giveaway and link to us.
--Please leave ALL entries in ONE comment, not separate comments!
--Be sure to leave your email address in the comment. Entries without email addresses will be discarded.
--Open to only US/Canada residents
--Giveaway ends Friday, September 16th, winner will be emailed directly.
I would love to be entered in your draw.
I subscribe via Google Reader.
+1 just by leaving a comment on this post
+3 if you already subscribe to our blog
+4 if you blog about this giveaway and link to us
Link is in my post that will "go live" around midnight: http://gooneybirddays.blogspot.com/
+1Please enter me..
+3 already subscribed
+1 leaving a comment
+2 subscribed via feeds
+4 blogged http://www.larabie.org
Would love to be entered! Thanks for such great looking prizes!
I'd love to read these.
+3 follower
I would love to win this, please enter me in the giveaway, thanks!
+1 Commenting
+3 Subscribe
+4 This giveaway shared here:
Have read positive reviews of these before and would love to win a copy. Thanks!
+3 I already subscribe to your blog through Google Reader.
Please entere me, thanks
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
count me in great giveawawy
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
What a great giveaway! I subscribe through my Google Reader. Thanks!
+1 I like the format of all entries in one post!
+3 I am already a subscriber, but just started today, so you may count this as +2 instead :)
My email is savedbygrace7215(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would really like to read both books. Please enter me in the draw!
+4 Blogged:
+1 I would like to be entered!!!!
+2 New subscriber!
I would love to enter this giveaway! Thanks!
bagambo (at) yahoo (dot)com
Pick me! Pick me! Pick Me!
+3 already subscribe through google reader
melacan at hotmail dot com
Oh Me Please!! Pick Me! I have to feed my book addiction somehow my husband isn't working so I've been blogging for books!
I'm following through google reader!
dancealertAt aol dot com
please enter me ..thanks
These look so cute. Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
Please enter me in your contes!!! Thanks!!!
Interesting titles. I'd love to win them!
No need to enter me. Just posted on Win A Book.
Awesome two book giveaway, count me in please. jessica(at)fan(dot)com
Please include me in your giveaway.
+3 I already subscribe.
Well I definatly love Chocolate, so based on the book title it sounds like a great book LOL. Thanks for entering me into this giveaway.
I would love to be entered in these. :)
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