I'm not sure I can explain why, but my favorite anecdote in the book is the one where Matilde spends a week's worth of wages on beautiful blue vases. Her husband is appalled by this behavior but she simply says to him, "We will have these vases long after our stomachs are full again." Sometimes it's just nice to have a few pretty things around us even if they aren't in our budget. :-)
I recommend this book for a nice quick cozy winter read!
Source disclosure: I received a galley copy from Doubleday.
I loved that part! I loved when she told her husband, so we'll live on bread and applesauce for a week. It will not kill us.
I can't wait to read this one. I don't think I've seen a negative review yet!
Thanks so much for all the kind words! I'm so glad you liked my book, and Holly, I hope you read it and liked it too! That story about my great-great grandmother is one of my favorites as well, especially the way my Mom tells it.
Thanks again and all the best,
Suzan Colon
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