Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Summer Reading

As the pile of Books That Must Be Reviewed grows ever taller, I have been playing hooky! It's too hot for high literature, which doesn't seem to travel well to the beach. And with the summer comes my compulsion to re-read. This is what I've been up to:

The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde: I haven't re-read these since the fifth (and long-awaited) installment came out about two years ago. The first in the series is The Eyre Affair, which introduces Thursday Next, a Literary Detective in an alternative version of 1985. Time travel, travel within books, literary jokes, rampant punning, re-engineered dodos, characters from classic literature turning up in the real world...you can see why it's hard to summarize them. I thoroughly enjoy this series every time I read it, and I always, always cry for the last couple chapters of the fourth book, Something Rotten.

And I did it, I read Twilight. And I can barely wait to read the rest of the series, even though the end of the book was a bit lame, almost as though Meyer got almost done, then realized that something should happen in the book. Still, addictive and fun. I was sure that I would hate it, but I was enthralled. Excellent summer reading.

I'm headed out of town and packing ONLY books I need to read for review. Now, it so happens that I accidentally had Amazon send my Twilight sequels to my parents' house, which is where I'm headed...


Amanda said...

I've just started reading the Thursday Next series, and have read the first two. I also read the first two in the Twilight series. I liked the first one, but hated the second, so I never went on.

Booklogged said...

I love Thursday Next, too. I still have a few to read to get caught up. I'm one of the few who didn't like Twilight, but I'm glad you liked it.

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Still playing hooky I see....lol

I dont blame you! :)