Thursday, February 03, 2011

I'm Stylish!

My friend Amber gave the book blog a Stylish Award! Super nice of her to include us. I think she's pretty stylish herself! She makes AWESOME birthday cakes! I mean seriously, she made Andy's bed from Toy Story as her son's birthday cake. She also makes fabulous jewelry at Links of Love! Check it out if you get a chance!

Now onto following the rules of acceptance -

1) Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.

2) Share 7 things about yourself

3) Award 15 recently discovered great blogs/bloggers (The Versatile Blogger guideline was different the first time I received it so feel free to choose 10 or 15)

4) Contact the bloggers to tell them about the award

7 things you all don't know about me? Hmmmm
  1. When I was in junior high, I wanted to be a writer. I LOVED writing stories and thought I might write a book one day.
  2. I wrote my senior art history thesis about decapitation imagery in Baroque art.
  3. When I was younger, I always wanted to own/work in a book store.
  4. I think it might be kind of fun to be an art teacher in a non-school setting (like the Art Center, Community Center, etc.)
  5. I wish I had the time and money to travel more often. There are so many people I've lost touch with because we don't live near each other.
  6. I really want to travel to Italy with Andrew some day. We've always wanted to go there together. We've both been separately.
  7. I will admit it...I still love Journey. Anyone who knew me in high school, knew I listened to them all the time. And yesterday, the Glee cast version of Don't Stop Believin' came on the radio and it made me smile.

So to pass the award along. Here are some pretty stylish ladies that I really admire.

1. Allison at The Whole Ball of Yarn(s)
2. Renee at Our Happenings
3. Kathy at Art Projects for Kids
4. Emily at My Little World
5. DrewB at Momtog
6. Katie at Adventures of an Art Teacher
7. Marce at Tea Time for Marce
8. Girl Detective
9. Charlotte at Charlotte's Web of Books
10. Lenore at Presenting Lenore

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