Monday, March 22, 2010

The Reason I'm Behind on Things...

Hee hee....I just couldn't help posting this one. ;-) Little Kellan is the reason it's been forever since I've had time to get reviews up here. He's two months old today! And it's funny, I thought having a new baby would cut down on my reading time, but in fact, I've been keeping up pretty well. I actually have reading time carved out in my day because I read while I'm nursing him. It's fantastic! I squirrel away in the nursery with him and my book and I have a good 20-25 minutes to myself in silence. I love it! However, I haven't been able to read anything too difficult, so much of my reading has been lighter fare. It's just too hard to focus on a more literate book in short increments. At any rate, I just had to share a photo of our newest little reader!


  1. Such a cute budding reader!

    I LOVED my nursing/reading time :) It was so nice to have a "sorry, can't do anything else right now!" built-in excuse.

  2. He is such a cutie! I didn't realize how much I was getting read while nursing, until I wasn't any more.
