Monday, March 09, 2009

Library Loot

And as if I don't already have enough books lying around here to occupy me for a couple YEARS, I was at the Chanhassen Library again yesterday and couldn't help grabbing these off the shelf!

Gilda Joyce: The Ladies of the Lake by Jennifer Allison
It's funny, I remember reading a review of Gilda Joyce: Psychic Investigator on one of the many book blogs I read. So this title popped out at me on the shelf. I thought maybe it was Jen Robinson's blog. Then I searched my Google Reader after I got home and realized it was right here! Allison posted about a week or so ago. LOL! They didn't have the first one at the library but I decided I'd start with this one anyway to follow up on Allison's review.

Ulysses Moore: Door to Time from Scholastic
Allison reviewed this awhile back and I have the second one from a library book sale.

The Underneath by Kathi Appelet
I've heard alot about this one. It called out to me from the shelf.

The Magic Half by Annie Barrows
Again, one that etched in my mind after reading blog reviews of it.

Witch's Sister by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
I really enjoyed Roxie and the Hooligans and thought I would try out some of Naylor's other books. She has so many to pick from. I decided to start with her Witch series.

I have no idea if I'll actually get around to reading all of these or if some of them will go back to the library unread after a bit. But it'll be fun to look through them.


  1. I caved and got the other two paperback Gilda Joyce books from amazon's 4-for-3 thing! I'm going to reward myself with a Gilda Joyce fest once I get through my book club book for March and the five review copies I really need to get cracking on...

    Hope you like Gilda and the Ulysses Moore!

  2. Whoa, I haven't heard about some of these they sound pretty interesting. I would most like to read the magic half..sounds neat. :D

  3. no prob:) you'll be entered. I read gilda joyce!! did you know there been 2 sequels? i've got to buy them, but sadly, i'm broke.It's so hard to even go into a bookstore;)
