Thursday, October 23, 2008

Picture Book Thursday!

Today, we have Halloween Part 2!
We were at story time on Tuesday morning this week and Goodnight Goon by Michael Rex was featured. This was a lot of fun! As you can guess, it is a take off of Goodnight Moon. It follows the same rhyming patterns as Goodnight Moon and the illustrations are so fun! Just like in the classic book, you can look through the pictures and find all the things the text is talking about. Just a really fun Halloween book, in my opinion. My five year old loved it!

Go Away, Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley is a year round favorite in our house by both my 3 and 5 year olds. With each page, you "build" the monster's face. The pages layer onto each other with cut-outs so each page you turn adds two eyes, or a nose, through all the different facial features. Once the face is created, you get to tell each piece to "Go Away" and eventually, "Go Away, Big Green Monster, and DON'T COME BACK!". My older daughter is in speech therapy and one of her sounds this past year was the initial "G" sound. This book was a fantastic book to do with her because the second half she would say "Go Away!" with me on every page. This is a good book for younger kids too. I would say ages 2 and up. The text is very simple and not much on each page. And it would be a good book to over different facial features with really young kids.

We received this book for Halloween from my mother-in-law a couple years ago and it was so well liked, the pages were ripped and taped together and ripped again. Obviously, our copy is a bit mangled. But its a very cute little book and a great one for toddlers and preschoolers. Fun illustrations of the kids in their costumes with rhyming text in short little spurts. A good one, especially if you're looking for a counting book.

AND if the books we've reviewed have left you wanting more, Barnes and Noble actually has a really great list of Halloween books on their site. You can check it out here.


Spot's Halloween, by Eric Hill, is a Halloween book in the Spot tradition. Spot can't decide what to dress up as for Halloween. The typical illustrations show Spot wearing each possible costume, and at the end, he and his friends go trick-or-treating. Lilah loves Spot, and this is a cute book in our Halloween collection.

Corduroy's Trick or Treat is illustrated by Lisa McCue, an illustrator we love for beyond-adorable fuzzy animal pictures that are more true-to-life than than the usual board book animals. Corduroy and all his friends are sweet in their costumes at the Halloween party, and simple text describes the usual Halloween activities. If the text lacks the magic of the original Corduroy, the cute illustrations make it a sweet, fun addition to the Halloween library of a younger child.

Baby Snoopy's Pumpkin is adorable! Each page is a different shape, with the largest being Snoopy's head. Baby Snoopy and Baby Woodstock plant a seed, watch is sprout and get bigger, and finally produce a pumpkin. On the last page, they decorate it. This is as much about gardening as Halloween. Lilah likes the differently shaped pages, Baby Snoopy and Baby Woodstock, and the bright orange pumpkin, and it's a fun little book to read (and, if you happen to have a flight coming up, is very small and portable!).

1 comment:

  1. So funny you should mention Go Away Monster. That was the book our librarian read today during storytime. Later while my three year old was going down for his nap I could hear him saying, "Go away monster, go away!" It was too cute!
