Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Charlemagne Pursuit by Steve Berry

I believe this is the fifth installment in Steve Berry's Cotton Malone series. I received The Charlemagne Pursuit as an ARC from LibraryThing. I was happy to find it a home in my library, but I haven't read the previous books in the series so I passed it on to my friend Kelly. She recommended the Berry books to me in the first place and I thought she would enjoy reading the latest book before it hit the shelves.

I asked her to relay a few of her thoughts on the book and this is what she had to say:
Readers will not be disappointed by the latest in the Cotton Malone Series. Fast-paced, suspenseful; just when you think you have something figured out you are hit with another plot twist that takes you down a different road. Love the way Berry weaves in very detailed, factual historical info into Malone’s quest - very “Da Vinci Code” in the way it reads; Nazis, Charlemagne, ancient groups of people, American Submarine lore, the Antarctic – all very interesting. Malone gets involved in this book’s quest as a result of looking into the death of his father. This allows us to get to know Cotton on a much more personal level than the other books in the series. The ending verged on being over-the-top, but with the complicated build-up, I can’t imagine it any other way.

So I think its safe to say, if you have enjoyed previous Berry books, you should pick this one up as well! Thanks for your thoughts Kelly!


  1. I love your delegating!

  2. I know probably cheating, right? I'm sure there are some purist LT ER people who would have a field day ripping into me for that one. But I figured why not let someone else have fun reading a book they would really like early. :-) And I received that one as a surprise anyway. That was the same month I was supposed to receive Schooled.

  3. I remember--it was a bonus book :) And since you're not a reader of the series, makes sense to get the thoughts from someone who is. Works for me!
