Wednesday, August 22, 2007

If I Did It

Are you going to read it? AP is reporting that Barnes and Noble is not going to stock it and Borders is not going to promote it. I have to confess that I want to read it. At least my money will be going to the Goldman family rather than OJ.


  1. I just don't think I can read it. At least OJ isn't getting the money, but I think it'd make me mad to read his "hypothetical" account.

    I can totally see being curious, though. I wonder how close the prosecution got to the truth with their theory.

  2. Perhaps that's why I want to read it. I'm an attorney and I've spent most of my career in law enforcement.

  3. Yeah, I'm not really excited about actually reading this one, but would love to hear what you think about it, Kirsten when you finish it. :-)

  4. Same here! Kirsten, please post a complete review if you do read it :)
